Frequently asked questions

Create an account and share content, get verified, invite your friends to join and all your followers can send you donations.

SONGZTER is a platform for all music artists, you can share podcasts, videos, pictures, audio and text, you can also do live streams of anything as of your events, performances, etc.

When you share your content your followers/fans can send you donations directly when they click on the $ icon, same when you do live streaming, the more followers you have the more chances you have to generate.

You can make as much as you want, as much effort you put into it and as much content you share, we recommend you to be active and share your content to your friends and family, the limit is the sky or beyond.
SONGZTER is a free platform for every user to download and use, if you want to receive tips/donations you just have to get verified and we deduct only the 18% of your withdrawals for transaction fees.

This is up to your bank, as soon as you send a withdrawal request we release it within 24 hours, it should take from 3 days up to 15 days for the funds to be reflected in your account otherwise you can e-mail us and within 24 hours you will be contacted by one of our representatives to ensure you receive your funds in no time.


We recommend you to open a bank account for protection of your funds but if for some reason you are not allowed to create a bank account due to personal strong reasons as long as your profile is already verified, send us an e-mail to, one of our representatives will contact you to find a solution and send your funds via other services as MoneyGram, western union remotely, this apply outside of the United States only and for a maximum of $1000, for anyone inside the United States if the user can’t have a bank account we would mail them a check.


SONGZTER can be used in any country worldwide but the app language is English and Spanish supported, if you don’t speak English or Spanish you can use the website and translate to your language in your browser.

If you don’t receive the verification code (OTP), give it 60 seconds, if you don’t receive it please check your spam folder, if is not in spam please verify that your email was entered correctly and try again.
SONGZTER is fully dedicated for music but you can share podcasts, images and texts, anything related to music is valid but not limited, we want this to be a community open to all kind of music content and whatever related to it, you can share videos or audio of you singing karaoke, playing any musical instrument, your podcasts, etc. don’t feel limited, upload your talent and share to everyone around the globe.
You can create as many accounts as you want, we recommend you to create one paid account to generate revenue and one free account to advertise your paid account. On the paid account everything is private and only those who pay for the subscription are allowed to see what you share while the free account you can share content that everyone can see but also in the free account you can also share locked content for a price that you can input.

The verification process takes up to 3 days once you submit it.

You can withdraw a minimum of $100 per day or per month and the balance will remain in your wallet although we recommend you withdraw at least once a week that way you pay less for transaction fees.
Go to profile, on the right upper corner you will see the settings icon, enter settings, scroll down to “my wallet”, select the amount of coins to buy, a new screen will pop up, select the card you want to use, if you haven’t added a credit/debit card please add one, you can add as many credit/debit cards as you have then hit the “pay button” the funds will reflect in your wallet, if it doesn’t reflect it just hit home button and then go back to profile so it will be updated and the funds will appear.

If you don’t find the verification code please wait for 60 seconds, if still haven’t received it check the spam folder, if is not there then make sure you entered your e-mail correctly and try again, you should receive the OTP in the main folder or in the spam folder.

If you entered your credentials and the app don’t respond please close the app completely and try again, if still don’t respond please uninstall the app, download and install again, it should be working now, if not, please e-mail us to and one of our representatives will contact you to solve the issue.

One problem could be that you entered the wrong password or email, please make sure you entered your credentials correctly. If you entered your credentials and the app don’t respond please close the app completely and try again, if still don’t respond please uninstall the app, download and install again, it should be working now, if not, please e-mail us to and one of our representatives will contact you to solve the issue.

Your credit/debit cards won’t be visible for security purposes, if you want to add or edit your credit/debit cards please go to profile, hit the settings button on the right upper corner, scroll down to “my wallet” select one of the coin packages (you won’t get charged), a screen will pop up, there you can add a new credit/debit card or/and edit your existing cards.

Go to profile, hit the settings button on the right upper corner, scroll down to “my plans” you must be verified before creating a plan, if you’re not verified please go back to profile and get verified, it takes up to 3 days to be approved, once approved you can go back to “my plans” and create any plans you want.
Share your SONGZTER profile on any other social media platform and your family, friends, you can go to any post, on the right side you’ll see three dots, there you have the share options, you can share via messenger, WhatsApp, text or copy the link to share on any website or social media platform.
If you are interested in becoming an ambassador for SONGZTER in your city to make extra money, we have great opportunities for you to generate even more income, we are a great stream of income and we would help you and support you in every way, er are definitely interested in what you can do for the music community therefore please feel free to email us to, you can work form anywhere in the globe.

Absolutely, in the bank information you can add your paypal information, for further questions please email us to

Thus might be due to internal issues or servers, please close the app completely and open it again, if it still crashes please uninstall and install again, sometimes also can be because your phone may not be supported, you can use the website also which is mobile supported, in any case please e-maill us to
Go to the post you want to delete and hit the three dots on the right, hit delete.
The $ icon on every post and live streaming is only visible to the viewers, you can see the $ icon under the people you are following.
You can tip/donate as much as you have available in your wallet, you can always add more coins to your wallet by selecting any of the packages in the “wallet” option in settings, when you go to the tips option you can select any of the packages or enter a custom amount on the grey area below.
Once you submit a withdrawal request you will be approved within 24 hours, if there is something wrong with the request a representative will contact you via e-mail, expect your funds to be available in your account in no longer than five days. this also might be due to your bank which usually takes from 3 up to 15 business days for the funds to appear in your account but we will do our best for your funds to be available on your end as soon as possible.
You will see in the statement, we take 18% for transaction fees, every other platform takes a whole lot more but we are here to support you and help you grow, your hard work deserves a fair pay and we will make sure of that.

We are not responsible for users taxes filing.

Create an account and share content, get verified, invite your friends to join and all your followers can send you donations.

SONGZTER is a platform for all music artists, you can share podcasts, videos, pictures, audio and text, you can also do live streams of anything as of your events, performances, etc.

When you share your content your followers/fans can send you donations directly when they click on the $ icon, same when you do live streaming, the more followers you have the more chances you have to generate.
You can make as much as you want, as much effort you put into it and as much content you share, we recommend you to be active and share your content to your friends and family, the limit is the sky or beyond.
SONGZTER is a free platform for every user to download and use, if you want to receive tips/donations you just have to get verified and we deduct only the 18% of your withdrawals for transaction fees.

This is up to your bank, as soon as you send a withdrawal request we release it within 24 hours, it should take from 3 days up to 15 days for the funds to be reflected in your account otherwise you can e-mail us and within 24 hours you will be contacted by one of our representatives to ensure you receive your funds in no time.

We recommend you to open a bank account for protection of your funds but if for some reason you are not allowed to create a bank account due to personal strong reasons as long as your profile is already verified, send us an e-mail to, one of our representatives will contact you to find a solution and send your funds via other services as MoneyGram, western union remotely, this apply outside of the United States only and for a maximum of $1000, for anyone inside the United States if the user can’t have a bank account we would mail them a check.

SONGZTER can be used in any country worldwide but the app language is English and Spanish supported, if you don’t speak English or Spanish you can use the website and translate to your language in your browser.

If you don’t receive the verification code (OTP), give it 60 seconds, if you don’t receive it please check your spam folder, if is not in spam please verify that your email was entered correctly and try again.
SONGZTER is fully dedicated for music but you can share podcasts, images and texts, anything related to music is valid but not limited, we want this to be a community open to all kind of music content and whatever related to it, you can share videos or audio of you singing karaoke, playing any musical instrument, your podcasts, etc. don’t feel limited, upload your talent and share to everyone around the globe.
You can create as many accounts as you want, we recommend you to create one paid account to generate revenue and one free account to advertise your paid account. On the paid account everything is private and only those who pay for the subscription are allowed to see what you share while the free account you can share content that everyone can see but also in the free account you can also share locked content for a price that you can input.

The verification process takes up to 3 days once you submit it.

You can withdraw a minimum of $100 per day or per month and the balance will remain in your wallet although we recommend you withdraw at least once a week that way you pay less for transaction fees.
Go to profile, on the right upper corner you will see the settings icon, enter settings, scroll down to “my wallet”, select the amount of coins to buy, a new screen will pop up, select the card you want to use, if you haven’t added a credit/debit card please add one, you can add as many credit/debit cards as you have then hit the “pay button” the funds will reflect in your wallet, if it doesn’t reflect it just hit home button and then go back to profile so it will be updated and the funds will appear.

If you don’t find the verification code please wait for 60 seconds, if still haven’t received it check the spam folder, if is not there then make sure you entered your e-mail correctly and try again, you should receive the OTP in the main folder or in the spam folder.

If you entered your credentials and the app don’t respond please close the app completely and try again, if still don’t respond please uninstall the app, download and install again, it should be working now, if not, please e-mail us to and one of our representatives will contact you to solve the issue.

One problem could be that you entered the wrong password or email, please make sure you entered your credentials correctly. If you entered your credentials and the app don’t respond please close the app completely and try again, if still don’t respond please uninstall the app, download and install again, it should be working now, if not, please e-mail us to and one of our representatives will contact you to solve the issue.

Your credit/debit cards won’t be visible for security purposes, if you want to add or edit your credit/debit cards please go to profile, hit the settings button on the right upper corner, scroll down to “my wallet” select one of the coin packages (you won’t get charged), a screen will pop up, there you can add a new credit/debit card or/and edit your existing cards.

Go to profile, hit the settings button on the right upper corner, scroll down to “my plans” you must be verified before creating a plan, if you’re not verified please go back to profile and get verified, it takes up to 3 days to be approved, once approved you can go back to “my plans” and create any plans you want.
Share your SONGZTER profile on any other social media platform and your family, friends, you can go to any post, on the right side you’ll see three dots, there you have the share options, you can share via messenger, WhatsApp, text or copy the link to share on any website or social media platform.
If you are interested in becoming an ambassador for SONGZTER in your city to make extra money, we have great opportunities for you to generate even more income, we are a great stream of income and we would help you and support you in every way, er are definitely interested in what you can do for the music community therefore please feel free to email us to, you can work form anywhere in the globe.

Absolutely, in the bank information you can add your paypal information, for further questions please email us to

Thus might be due to internal issues or servers, please close the app completely and open it again, if it still crashes please uninstall and install again, sometimes also can be because your phone may not be supported, you can use the website also which is mobile supported, in any case please e-maill us to
Go to the post you want to delete and hit the three dots on the right, hit delete.
The $ icon on every post and live streaming is only visible to the viewers, you can see the $ icon under the people you are following.
You can tip/donate as much as you have available in your wallet, you can always add more coins to your wallet by selecting any of the packages in the “wallet” option in settings, when you go to the tips option you can select any of the packages or enter a custom amount on the grey area below.
Once you submit a withdrawal request you will be approved within 24 hours, if there is something wrong with the request a representative will contact you via e-mail, expect your funds to be available in your account in no longer than five days. this also might be due to your bank which usually takes from 3 up to 15 business days for the funds to appear in your account but we will do our best for your funds to be available on your end as soon as possible.
We are not responsible for users taxes filing.